
All Battling Bittersweet Work Day participants will be asked to sign a liability waiver and provide emergency contact info before entering the work site. Copies for signature will be provided at the sign-in table on the day of the event.

If you wish to review the waiver prior to arriving at Riverfront Park on the Work Day, the waiver text follows:

Voluntary Participation Form and Acknowledgement of Risk(s)
& Waiver / Release of Liability

Name of Organization: Town of Glastonbury and Glastonbury Partners in Planting, Inc.

Activity/Event: Invasive Plants Workday

Participant’s Full Name (please print legibly): ____________________________________

INITIAL on line at left after reading each paragraph.

________  I will work as volunteer to help physically remove invasive plant species on public lands. Work will involve strenuous physical labor including but not necessarily limited to bending, pushing, pulling, stretching, kneeling or lifting. Work may involve involuntary exposure to hazards like poison ivy. Work may also involve the use of hand tools like loppers, pruners, cutting shears, bow saws, shovels, rakes and the like and their associated hazards. There is a risk of injury associated with the activity, which I understand, and fully assume.

________  I understand that participation in the Invasive Plant Workday may be hazardous for myself and/or the above-named participant.

________  I understand that participation in the Invasive Plant Workday is completely voluntary.

________  In signing below, I assume the risk of harm or injury which may occur to myself and/or the above-named participant as a result of participating in the Invasive Plants Workday.

________  I herby release the Town of Glastonbury and Glastonbury Partners in Planting, Inc. and their officers, employees, members, agents, representatives, assignees, and successors from all claims, liability, costs, personal injuries, loss, and/or damages resulting from my own or the above-name participant’s participation in this program.

________   I am over 18 years of age.

If the participant is a minor:

________  I am the parent or guardian of the above-named participant and I agree that the minor has my consent to participate in the Invasive Plants Workday.

________  I also give my consent for the Town of Glastonbury and Glastonbury Partners in Planting, Inc. to seek emergency treatment for the minor if necessary, and I agree to accept financial responsibility for the costs related to this emergency treatment.

______________________________/_____________      ____________________________________

            Parent or Guardian’s Signature / Date                                        Name of Parent or Guardian

_____________________________/____________           ________________________/______________
            Participant’s Signature / Date                        Emergency Contact Name and Phone Number