Q: "What will the work site be used for in the future?"
A: The Town's plan is to keep this area in a natural state and for it to serve as an example of how to restore a natural landscape that has been severely damaged by invasive vines. GPIP will continue to volunteer assistance in a stewardship role. The site will also provide habitat for birds, with the preservation of existing plants such as elderberry, and the addition of bayberry and other beneficial native plants.

Q: "I did not register by the deadline but I want to participate on Work Day. What should I do?"
A: Follow the registration process even though the deadline has passed, and we will add you to a team. We'll check for late registrations right up to the evening before the work day.

Q: I woke up on Work Day and due to a change in plans I am now able to come to the Work Day. What should I do?"
A: Walk-ins welcome. Come on down, we'll get you on a team.

Q: "Will this be the only Work Day?"
A: This will be the only Work Day in 2014 but we plan on making a long term commitment to restoring this small wooded area. Also see below for information on "Save A Tree" Days.

Q: What are "Save A Tree" (SAT) Days?"
A: SAT Days are typically held during the chillier months on short notice. They provide an opportunity for the hardier bittersweet battlers to get together and do some good at a site. This group is known as the "Gold Level Team" because they are particularly dedicated to saving important trees in town, have proben skills, and are nutty enough to care. It's a fun group. For more information please go to www.saveatreeday.blogspot.com

If you have other questions please feel free to send an e-mail to information@gpip.org
